The Secret Doctrine: Anthropogenesis by Helena Blavatsky is the second volume in a 3 volume set of books dealing with Theosophy and occult ideas. In this volume, the author sets out her views on the origin of humanity through what she calls 'root races' - the first of which was ethereal, the second of which lived in the Greek mythological land of Hyperborea, the third of which were humans who lived on Lemuria, and the fourth of which lived in Atlantis. The book is split into three parts. Part I includes 12 stanzas and their commentaries. Part II. The Archaic Symbolism Of The World-Religions includes the following chapters: Esoteric Tenets Corroborated in Every Scripture; On the Myth of the Fallen Angels in its Various Aspects; The Symbolism of the Mystery-Names Iao and Jehovah, and more. Part III. Addenda. Science And The Secret Doctrine Contrasted includes the chapters: The Ancestors Mankind is Offered by Science; Giants, Civilizations, and Submerged Continents Traced in History, and more.