Karl Von Eckartshausen

The Cloud Upon the Sanctuary

The Cloud Upon the Sanctuary is a book by 18th century German mystic Karl Von Eckartshausen. The author wrote extensively on esoteric topics, and this work is Christian mysticism veiled in hermetic code. Eckhartshausen was briefly a member of the Bavarian Illuminati, but withdrew his membership soon after discovering that the order only recognized enlightenment through human reason. He cryptically mentions a 'society of the Elect' which has existed from the very beginning of time, 'the invisible celestial Church.' He predicted that 'it is the society whose members form a theocratic republic, which one day will be the Regent Mother of the whole World.' The Cloud Upon the Sanctuary was given a high status in the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, particularly by Arthur Edward Waite, and is known to have attracted Aleister Crowley to the Order.