Isabel Cooper-Oakley

Traces of a Hidden Tradition in Masonry and Medieval Mysticism

This is a set of essays by Isabel Cooper-Oakley, an early member of the Theosophists. She connects the dots between ancient wisdom schools and modern Freemasonry. At the root of this tree are a set of ideas from Hinduism, Zororastrianism, Gnosticism and early Christianity. Along the way she connects a number of links such as the Knights-Templars, the Troubadours and the Rosicrucians. She names dozens of even more obscure secret societies, heresies and conspiracies. The book finishes with an analysis of the Grail myth. Chapters include: Introduction; Towards The Hidden Sources Of Masonry; The Traditions Of The Templars Revived In Masonry; The Troubadours, The Singing Messengers From East To West; and, The Heavenly Kingdom Of The Holy Grail.