Annie Besant
The Ancient Wisdom
The Ancient Wisdom is a book by British theosophist Annie Besant, first published in 1897. In it, the author introduces and takes the reader through the concept of other planes of existence. Chapters include: The Physical Plane; The Astral Plane; Kamaloka; The Mental Plane; Devachan; The Buddhic and Nirvanic Planes; Reincarnation; Karma; The Law Of Sacrifice; Man's Ascent; and, Building a Kosmos.
Annie Besant
Building of the Cosmos and Other Lectures
THE four lectures printed in this volume were delivered to the delegates and members of the Theosophical Society, assembled for the Annual Convention at Adyar, Madras, on December 27th, 28th, 29th, 30th, 1893. They were intended to show the value of the teachings of H. P. Blavatsky as a guide to the obscurer meanings of the Hindu Sacred books, and so to vindicate at once the usefulness of the Theosophical and the Hindu doctrines.
Annie Besant
The Seven Principles Of Man
Few words are needed in sending this little book out into the world. It is the first of a series of Manuals designed to meet the public demand for a simple exposition of Theosophical teachings.
Annie Besant, C. W. Leadbeater
A Commentary On ‘Light On The Path’
This is a commentary by Annie Besant and C. W. Leadbeater on 'Light on the Path', a perennial favorite of Theosophical literature written by Mabel Collins in 1885.
Annie Besant
Theosophy and the New Psychology
Six lectures given by Annie Besant in 1904; The Larger Consciousness; The Mechanism Of Consciousness; Sub-Consciousness And Super-Consciousness; Clairvoyance And Clairaudience; Telepathy; and, Methods Of Unfoldment.
Annie Besant
Initiation, The Perfecting of Man
From the Foreword: 'There is nothing new in these lectures, but only old truths retold. But the truths are of such vivid and perennial interest that, though old, they are never stale, and, though well known, there is always something to say which seems to throw on them new light and new charm. For they touch the deepest recesses of our being, and bring the breath of heaven into the lower life of earth.'
Annie Besant
A book about all aspects of Theosophy; Theosophy As Science; Theosophy As Morality And Art; Theosophy As Philosophy; Theosophy As Religion; Theosophy Applied To Social Problems; A Few Details About Systems And Worlds; and, The Theosophical Society.
Annie Besant
In the Outer Court
In the Outer Court is a book by British theosophist Annie Besant, first published in 1895. It is a series of five lectures that were given in the Blavatsky Lodge, London, at the Headquarters of the European Section of the Theosophical Society, during August, 1895. The lectures are: Purification; Thought Control; The Building of Character; Spiritual Alchemy; and, On the Threshold.