Ernest L. Norman
Infinite Perspectus
This is indeed a most joyous and happy occasion, and so far as my own personal feelings are concerned, this joy is not some selfish joy in which I may be vindicated in my personal beliefs, or that I gain satisfaction in some such manner or form; but rather the joy I feel is for each and every one of you, for I know, as you are seeking further knowledge of Unarius you have taken at least one positive step forward in expressing a certain quotient in the dynamic expression of Infinite Creation.
Ernest L. Norman
Cosmic Continuum
In common abstractions based on our nuclear science, all matter can be resolved into energy. Therefore, in the pure idiom, this energy is part of the sum and total of what is commonly referred to as spirit. In other words, interdimensional forms of energy, manner of transmissional factors of dynamics, and the appearance of energy as seemingly solid matter—are all part of these abstractions.