Annie Besant
The Ancient Wisdom
The Ancient Wisdom is a book by British theosophist Annie Besant, first published in 1897. In it, the author introduces and takes the reader through the concept of other planes of existence. Chapters include: The Physical Plane; The Astral Plane; Kamaloka; The Mental Plane; Devachan; The Buddhic and Nirvanic Planes; Reincarnation; Karma; The Law Of Sacrifice; Man's Ascent; and, Building a Kosmos.
Éliphas Lévi
The Paradoxes of the Highest Science
This was the first of Lévi's books to be translated into English. The original French version was published in 1856. This translation (by an unknown hand) was first published in 1883 by the Theosophical Society, and re-issued in 1922, with additional extensive footnotes by 'an Eminent Occultist' (herein, E.O.). The identity of E.O. is unknown, but it is believed from the style and views expressed that it was none other than Helena P. Blavatsky.
Annie Besant
Building of the Cosmos and Other Lectures
THE four lectures printed in this volume were delivered to the delegates and members of the Theosophical Society, assembled for the Annual Convention at Adyar, Madras, on December 27th, 28th, 29th, 30th, 1893. They were intended to show the value of the teachings of H. P. Blavatsky as a guide to the obscurer meanings of the Hindu Sacred books, and so to vindicate at once the usefulness of the Theosophical and the Hindu doctrines.
Gottfried de Purucker
The Masters and the Path of Occultism
The Masters and the Path of Occultism is a short book by Theosophist Gottfried de Purucker. Chapters include; Who Are the Masters?; How the Masters Obtain Their Wisdom; Teachings of the Masters; The Secret Doctrine of the Ages; What Is Occultism?; The Mystery-Schools and Initiation; and, The Sacred Seasons.
Charles Webster Leadbeater
Man Visible and Invisible
Chapters include: How These Things Are Known; The Planes of Nature; Clairvoyant Sight; Man's Vehicles; The Trinity; The Earlier Outpourings; The Animal Group-Soul; The Upward Curve; Human Consciousness; The Third Outpouring; How Man Evolves; What His Bodies Show Us; Colors and Their Meaning; The Counterpart; Early Stages of Man's Development; The Ordinary Person; Sudden Emotions; More Permanent Conditions; The Developed Man; The Health-Aura; and, The Causal Body of the Adept.
Annie Besant
Theosophy and the New Psychology
Six lectures given by Annie Besant in 1904; The Larger Consciousness; The Mechanism Of Consciousness; Sub-Consciousness And Super-Consciousness; Clairvoyance And Clairaudience; Telepathy; and, Methods Of Unfoldment.